Popular Names

The Most Popular Scottish Girl’s Names

Scotland had some of the most lovely girls’ names that you’ll be able to find anywhere in the world.

Isla, Olivia, and Emily were the most popular baby names in 2021. These names were also the most popular names in 2019 too, but not in the same order.

Historic Popular names can be found below:

Official List 2013

Here is the official list of Scottish baby girls’ names in Scotland in 2012:

Official List 2012

Our Unofficial List of Names

Mindful Revision GIF

We’ve compiled a list of of the most popular Scottish girls names around just for fun. See if you agree with us or not post your comments on the bottom of this page:

  1. Margaret
  2. Maisie
  3. Nora
  4. Maidie
  5. Morag
  6. Lorraine
  7. Leslie
  8. Jean
  9. Jessie
  10. Moira

In General Popular Baby Girls Names in Scotland

Again this data is from the Scottish Government (this list also contains non Scottish names).

  1. Sophie
  2. Emily
  3. Olivia
  4. Ava
  5. Lucy
  6. Isla
  7. Lily
  8. Jessica
  9. Amelia
  10. Mia

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