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Popular Scottish girls names in 2017

Here’s a list of the most popular Scottish baby girls’ names registered in 2017.

Rank Name (Births registered)
1 Olivia (484)
2 Emily (436)
3 Isla (376)
4 Sophie (349)
5 Jessica (300)
6 Amelia (296)
7 Ava (269)
8 Ella (265)
9 Charlotte (255)
10 Aria (235)

Popular Scottish girls names in 2017 are many. The most popular one was Olivia which is the female version, Oliver. According to the National Record of Scotland, many people have named their daughters Olivia which means Olive tree in plain English.

Other Popular Scottish names in 2017 that came close to that are Emily, Isla, and Sophia. Emily is a Latin name that means industrious, it’s the feminine version of Aemilius which means striving. However, it is also a German name which means labour. Someone named Emily is supposed to be a hard working person.

The other name that seems to be very close to the second is Isla. This is the third most popular name in 2017 according to the records and it simply means Island. Isla is originally a Scottish name that derived from the masculine name of Islay. Islay is an island in Scotland; For a while, many countries including the UK and USA have fallen in love with the name Isla which became one of the most popular Scottish girls’ names in 2017.

Sophia is a Greek name which means Wisdom or Wise and has become very popular over the previous years in Scotland, but in 2017 it is listed as the fourth most popular name. Sophia evokes a feeling of softness and kindness when called.

Of all the names listed above, Isla is the most authentic Scottish name that made it to the top of the list.

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Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girls’ names on our website.