Popular Scottish Baby girls names in 2021

There are Popular Scottish Baby girls’ names in 2021 such as Amelia, Aecia, Alena, Alice, Arianna, and Ava. If you have a girl and are looking for some perfect Scottish baby names for her, then this article is for you. This list is not exhaustive but just some of the most popular baby girl names in Scotland. Amelia – “industrious” or “work-strength”. A Scottish baby girl’s name means ‘defender of mankind’.

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The Scottish baby girl’s name Aecia is pronounced as AEC-ee-ah. It is of Old German origin, and its meaning is ‘precious, noble’. Another popular Scottish girl’s name in 2021 is Alena and it is pronounced as a-LAY-nah. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is ‘oak tree’. Alice – “noble sort, noble” or “defender”. A Scottish baby girl’s name means ‘noble sort, noble’.

Alicia – The Scottish baby girl’s name Alicia is pronounced as uh-LEASE-ee-yah. It is of Old German origin, and its meaning is ‘defender of mankind’. Another Popular Scottish Baby girl’s name in 2021 is Ava and it is pronounced as AH-vah.

Popular Scottish-originating names

Some of the most popular Scottish names in 2021 (source https://scotland.shinyapps.io/nrs-baby-names/).

Some of the most popular Scottish-originating names in 2021 include the following names:

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girls’ names.