
Meaning of the name Adaira

The Scottish name Adaira is a beautiful and poetic Scottish girl’s name. The name means the Oak Ford, a place where you can cross a shallow body of water using the overhanging oak trees.

Adaira means and oak ford
Adaira means oak and ford

Another meaning of the name Adaira is “noble” or “illustrious”. It was originally a surname, but it has become more popular as a given name in recent years. The name is still relatively uncommon, but it is gaining in popularity.


How unique is the name? Very. According to popular baby names, between 1922 and 2018 there were only 12 recorded children born who were given that baby name, 11 of them in Argentina.

According to the Social Security Administration, Adaira was ranked 783rd in popularity for girls born in the United States in 2020.

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Though not a traditional Scottish name, Adaira has seen a rise in popularity in recent years, ranking within the top 500 names for girls born in Scotland in 2020. Variations include Adairia, Adara, Adarah, and Adarae, offering subtle differences in sound and feel.

How to pronounce Adaira ?

Adaira is pronounced a-DARE-ah

Famous Aidras

As Scottish names go, the popularity of Adaira is far down on the list, but many people deliberately seek out unique names for their children and Aidra is no exception.

There is even a DR Martens gladiator-type sandal for women that is quite popular, and the top Advisor and Associate Director of the Walter Bradford Cannon Society, Dr. Adaira Landry of Harvard Medical School bears the name.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girls’ names.