
Origin and Meaning of the Name Ainsley

Ainsley is a Scottish name that is most likely from Nottinghamshire. In addition, the name has become a popular first name girls serves as a surname as well. The meaning of Ainsley in Scottish is “one’s own meadow”.

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Variation of the Name

Like many other names, Ainsley has many other variations as well, 18 to be exact, a few are: Ainsleigh, Ainslee, Aynslee, Ansley, and Aynsly.However, Ainsley is one of Scotland’s most popular variations.


Ainsley is a name that has become increasingly popular. With that being said, the popularity of the name was at an all time high globally in 2012. In that year 0.048% of little girls were named Ainsley. In addition, the variation Ainsley was also the most popular variation of the Ainsley name group in 2012. In regards to the name popularity of Ainsley in Scotland, Ainsley was the 663 most used name for little girls in 2013.

Famous People Called Ainsley

In closing, many celebrities have the name Ainsley. Ainsley Howard is famous actress from England. Howard has appeared in productions in the United Kingdom, her most famous role to date is the character Birdie in the film Mum&Dad. Jacqui Ainsley is another famous person that has the name Ainsley. Ainsley is a supermodel from Essex, England. Ainsley was discovered while shopping on the world famous Oxford Street in London. Since then she has went to work for various campaign’s, a few are Lynx, Samsung, and ASOS.

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