
Meaning and Origin of the Name Eithrig

The name Eithrig is not a very common name at all. Some people claim it is of Welsh origin, others say it is Scottish-Gaelic.

The meaning of Eithrig is unknown however it is a very strong female name although not very popular.

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According to numerology it has an interesting growth number of 4, which means the person is dependable and practical. The other interpretation of the number 4 is that the Ruling Planet is Uranus, the appropriate colours are blue and grey, and the proper gemstone is a sapphire.


It is estimated that there are only 300 people with the name Eithrig, in other words 0.0001% of the population. The variations of this name are “Oighrig” and “Eiric”. There is not much popularity of Eithrig even though it is a strong female name with heritage.

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