
Meaning and Origin of the Name Machara

The name Machara has a Scottish origin. It is another form of Macha. The meaning of Machara is “plain”.

Popularity of the Name

The name Machara is a female name which, notwithstanding being a Scottish name, is not considered that famous in Scotland. According to the data collected in 2010, this name was ranked as the 2990th name with its popularity in Scotland. However, it should be noted that the name is encountered also in the form of a last name. The country where the popularity of Machara is most noticeable as a last name is Slovakia.

Traits of People with the Name

It is believed that people with the name of Machara tend to be quite expressive and creative during public speaking, writing, acting, or singing. The meaning of Machara has had its impact on these people’s personality. As a result, Macharas are naturally generous people and like serving the humanity. In their love life they are passionate and romantic lovers, yet, can be easily hurt.

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Famous People or Things Called Machara

As long as the popularity of Machara is not very high, there are not many famous figures or places with this name. The most famous one is the village with the name of Machara in the Gulripshi District of Abkhazia.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girls’ names.