
Origin of the Name Marsaili

The name Marsaili is a girl’s name. Marsaili goes back to the feminine version of the Roman God of War. The name Marsaili was first used by American novelist Diana Gabaldon who gave the name to a minor female Scottish character in her 18th century Outlander series.

Meaning of Marsaili

The meaning of Marsaili means pearl.

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Popularity of Marsaili

Presently, Marsaili ranks 92,062nd in popular girls’ names in Scotland. Of all the baby girls born this past year, only 0.001 percent of them were named Marsaili.

Famous People Call Marsili

Marsaili Macleod

Last year, Dr. Marsaili MacLeod, PhD, was appointed Vice Principal Director of Studies at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Dr. MacLeod is a programme communicator for Gaelic as well as teaching exercise outside.

Marsaili Fraser

Marsaili Fraser is a psychotherapist who uses the Gaelic language to communicate with her clients. Fraser is the former head of the Political Department at EU. There is also a fictional character named Marsaili Fraser in the period piece story the Outlanders set in the 18th century Scotland.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girls’ names.