
Seonag, pronounced “shuh-nog” or “shawn-og,” might not be as widely recognised as other Scottish names, but it holds a hidden gem-like quality, radiating Gaelic charm and timeless elegance. Let’s explore the history, meaning, and potential appeal of this unique name for a Scottish girl.

Meaning and Origin

Seonag boasts a rich Gaelic heritage, stemming from the Old Gaelic name “Siânnait.” This ancient name further traces its roots back to the Brittonic “Senēta,” carrying the powerful meaning of “blessed” or “godlike.” Seonag evolved through the Middle Gaelic “Seònaid,” eventually settling into its modern form. Interestingly, Seonag shares a common ancestor with the Irish name Siobhán, both drawing strength from their shared Brittonic heritage.

The core meaning of “blessed” or “godlike” imbues Seonag with a sense of grace, divine favor, and good fortune. This powerful meaning adds a layer of depth and significance to the name. Additionally, some associate Seonag with the Gaelic word “seòl,” meaning “sail,” evoking images of the vast Scottish coastline and a spirit of adventure. These combined interpretations paint a picture of a blessed and adventurous individual, qualities many parents might find desirable for their daughter.

Seonag is from the Gaelic word “seòl,” meaning “sail

The name Seonag is the Scottish form of Joan or Jane. It is pronounced “SHO-nak.” Another common variant of Seonag is Shona. Seonag is Gaelic and Scottish in origin. The meaning of Seonag is “God is gracious.”


Government statistics do not give a high rating for the popularity of Seonag. It did not appear in the top 100 names for girls in Scotland in 2017.

Other Appearances of Seonag

There is a book that was written entirely in Scottish Gaelic called Feur Buidhe an t-Samhraidh (or Yellow Summer Grass in English). One of the characters is a musician named Seonag. She and her friend Colman need to find their way after getting lost from their band’s tour through America.

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Seonag MacDhùghaill NicLaomainn is the Scottish form of Johann Lamont. Johann Lamont had a long political career in Scotland. She served as the Leader of the Scottish Labour Party from 2011 to 2014.

Useful Resources

See the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girl’s names.