
Meaning and Origin of the Name Wynda

The name Wynda is of Scottish origin and is a female name.

The meaning of Wynda is interesting and mysterious and is “from the narrow passage.” This old name is short, simple, and unique, and looks similar to such names as Wanda or Wendy, but is different in its origin and how it is pronounced.

The name Wynda comes from narrow passage.
The name Wynda comes from narrow passage.


It is not a popular name and wasn’t one of the top 100 names for girls in that country in 2019. The popularity of Wynda is not magnificent, but the name is simple and pretty.

How to Pronounce Wynda?

It is easy to learn how to pronounce Wynda, as it is pronounced as it looks in two syllables as Wyn-da.

Famous People with the Name Wynda

There is an actress with the name Wynda, Wynda Knight, and she has appeared on several TV shows, shorts, and movies, including Entity Within.

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Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girls’ names.